- 1 Arbitrage Opportunities In the Volatile Crypto Market
- 2 What is Perpetual Futures Contracts?
- 3 What is the Funding Rate
- 4 What is Spot-Futures Arbitrage Strategy?
- 5 Tutorial for the Spot-Futures Arbitrage
- 6 The Price gap between futures and spot price.
- 7 What are the risks for Arbitrage Bot?
- 8 Nextrend Exchange Arbitrage Bot
- 9 5 Tips for using a Crypto Arbitrage Bot
Arbitrage Opportunities In the Volatile Crypto Market
The highly volatile market in cryptocurrency gives most investors a high-risk and high-return investment impression. It’s normal to see a coin surge up to 20% and then head to a 20% correction on the next day. So lots of people are using Arbitrage bot to catch these volatile. In addition to the spot market, lots of exchanges also offer perpetual futures contracts that allow traders to use up to 125x leverage, making the cryptocurrency market even more volatile.
On the other hand, the inefficiencies between each market give us plenty of opportunities to arbitrage. It’s easy to reach 15%~50% APR with arbitrage strategies, and I’m going to show you how to arbitrage from these inefficiencies.

The results looks amazing huh?
Before talking about how to seize the arbitrage opportunity, let me introduce the fundamental of perpetual futures contracts first.
What is Perpetual Futures Contracts?
Unlike traditional futures, perpetual futures contracts don’t have an expiration date, so that traders can trade perpetual futures just like spot trading. That’s one of the main reason perpetual futures contracts is so popular in the crypto community.
Typically, traditional futures contracts settle on a monthly or quarterly basis. At settlement, the contract price converges with the spot price, and all open positions expire.
Since perpetual futures contracts never settle in the traditional sense, exchanges need a mechanism to ensure that futures prices and index prices converge on a regular basis. This mechanism is also known as Funding Rate.
The funding rate plays an essential role in the arbitrage opportunity that we’re going to discuss in the next section.
What is the Funding Rate
The funding rate ensures that futures prices and index prices converge regularly.
So when a perpetual futures contract is trading on a premium (higher than the spot markets), long positions have to pay shorts due to a positive funding rate. In contrast, short positions pay longs while the futures price is trading below the index price.
The Index Price consists of the average price of an asset, according to major spot markets and their relative trading volume.

The exchanges do not charge the funding fee. It’s paid peer-to-peer.
Most of the investors in the crypto market like to hold a long position rather than a short position, which means traders with long positions need to pay funding rates to those who have a short position.
So here’s the arbitrage opportunity. We can hold a short position in the perpetual futures market and buy the same amount in the spot market, hedging our total investment. Our investment won’t be affected by the market fluctuation due to the market-neutral position but receive funding rates with our short position in the perpetual futures contracts.
What is Spot-Futures Arbitrage Strategy?
To sum up, hold a short position in the perpetual futures market while holding the same amount of position in the spot market. Arbitrage with a market-neutral position and receive the funding rate every 8 hours.

The funding rate comprises two components: the interest rate and the premium. The interest rate fixed at 0.01% per 8 hours, and the premium varies according to the price difference between the perpetual contract and mark price.
According to the historical data of the ETH funding rate on Binance, the rate has always been positive in the last 6 months. And it’s higher when the price surge in the following chart. If we can receive a 0.2% funding rate per day, the performance for this arbitrage would be 36.5% APR!

With the historical data, it’s steady and almost risk-free to arbitrage from the funding rate. Next, let’s discuss how to execute the arbitrage by ourselves.
Tutorial for the Spot-Futures Arbitrage
Let’s say we have 10000 USDT for the spot-futures arbitrage while bitcoin’s price is 10000 USDT. Here’s how we’re going to do:
- Transfer 5000 USDT to the futures account and the rest 5000 USDT to the trading account.
- Buy 0.5 BTC (5000USDT) in the spot market and short 0.5 BTC in the perpetual futures market with your 5000 USDT
- If the current funding rate is 0.05% right before the charges, then you’ll get 2.5 USDT.
0.5 * 10000 * 0.05% = 2.5 USDT - If the funding rate remains at 0.05%, we can receive 3 times a day, which means it’s 27.375% APR
2.5 * 3 * 365 = 2737.5 USDT
2737.5 / 10000 * 100% = 27.375%
To increase the annualized return, let’s take advantage of the leverage in the perpetual futures. If we hold the short position with 2x leverage, then we’re able to buy 0.6666 BTC with 6666 USDT while short 0.6666 BTC with 3333 in the perpetual futures market.
We’ll receive 33% more funding fee (3.333 USDT) compared to 1x leverage
0.666 * 10000 * 0.05% = 3.333 USDT
The performance increases to 36.46% APR with 2x leverage; 41.0625% APR with 3x leverage!
Besides using higher leverage with your short position and checking the list for a coin with a higher funding rate, the price difference between the futures price and index price should also be considered.
The Price gap between futures and spot price.
The price gap is not always a fixed number between futures and spot prices. It’ll result in some profit if the gap is lower when you’re about to stop the bot, and suffer from some losses if the gap is higher.
But it’s not that much, which you can cover that loss within 2~3 funding rate income. If you take care of the price gap, you might earn some profit from the price gap.
- Don’t start arbitrage if the price gap is negative.
- Finish your arbitrage strategy and close your positions when the gap is lower or negative.
- Normally, the gap is floating between -1% and 1% most of the time.
Spot-futures arbitrage is a simple strategy that traders could do it manually, but it’s better to use a tool for opening positions and closing positions due to the volatility.
What are the risks for Arbitrage Bot?
There’re some risks to perform spot-futures arbitrage manually that you should need to know in advance.
- You’re not able to decrease your position in the spot market while the auto-deleveraged happen to your futures position.
- The price surge rapidly and you got liquidated on your short position cause you’re not able to close your futures position in advance.
The above two examples show us how would our market-neutral position got broken under particular market conditions. To eliminate the above risks, Nextrend Exchange provides a bot for spot-futures arbitrage. Here’s how would the bot deal with the potential risks:
- The bot will detect both your position in the spot and futures market and maintain a market-neutral position even the auto-deleveraged (ADL) happened.
- The bot will close your futures position 5% before the liquidation price. So that you won’t be liquidated and pay for the liquidation fee.
Nextrend Exchange Arbitrage Bot

Nextrend Exchange charges 10% of the profit from the spot-futures arbitrage bot. Half of the profit will be put into the Arbitrage SAFU fund for the arbitrage bot users. More details in the announcement.
Step 1. Open and log in to your account, click on the Spot-Futures arbitrage bot on the right side of the page

Step 2. Select the target coin and preferred leverage for the arbitrage. Click the drop-down button next to the coin to lead you to the list sorted by the current funding rate.

Step 3. Fill in the investment amount and click create bot. It’ll automatically transfer some of your funds to your futures account and create a position in the spot and futures market.
Step 4. If you want to close the bot, just click the shutdown button on the right top of the bot. It’ll close the position and return all your investment in USDT.

5 Tips for using a Crypto Arbitrage Bot
- Don’t switch between coins too often. Please remember that you’ll have some trading fee cost when you started and closed the bot.
- As long as the funding rate stays positive, keep the bot active for at least 1~2 weeks. But you can still shut it down anytime you want.
- One arbitrage bot with one coin at a time. You’re free to top up more investment or take some out anytime.
- Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Arbitrage 2~3 coins at the same time would be better.
- It’s better to start the bot while the price gap is higher; shut down the bot while the price gap is lower or negative.
Feel free to let me know your thought on this bot! Hope you all enjoy this arbitrage bot
Hi, this is a great idea and a very useful bot. I have been using it for a while but I have a suggestion. why dont you guys also had huobi and okex? so we can also farm there as well.
Aggregate more exchanges take a lot more effort for us. So we decide to focus on trading bots development.
OK, I see. How about adding coin margin futures as well?
Dave, se eu colocar um saldo tipo 10mil usd que coloquei eu consigo ter tipo 3 ou 4 robos rodando em pares diferentes ao mesmo tempo? Porque eles trabalham no sistema SPOT/Futures correto. Outra dúvida, se eu abrir por engano quando está negativo o robo, influencia porque eu sempre vou pagar o funding mesmo que eu deixe ele rodando por semanas ou, nao influencia se eu deixar por um bom tempo?
Yes, you can have multiple bots running with different trading pairs at the same time.
Some alt-coins might have negative funding rate during the very bearish market. So if you’re looking for a more steady way, then stick with ETH with 2x leverage. That’s my favorite one.
Sim, você pode ter vários bots operando com diferentes pares de negociação ao mesmo tempo.
Algumas moedas alternativas podem ter uma taxa de financiamento negativa durante o mercado de baixa. Portanto, se você está procurando um caminho mais estável, use o ETH com alavancagem 2x. Esse é o meu favorito.
Nice info ! I really enjoyed the tutorial! Im doing a youtube video in spanish explaining all that value tutorial!

Best regards from Uruguay
Great to know that Gabriel! Looking forward to your YouTube review
Hola Gabriel, cual es el nombre de tu canal? Me gustaría ver el video, gracias
Hi Dave, i recently closed a bot however my profits were not returned to me in BNB, can you let me know why?
Hello Dom,
The arbitrage bot counts the profit in USDT and you can also use USDT for this bot. So there won’t be any BNB in profit during the whole procedure.
Hey Dave, Im new I have 10.00 in ethereum I transferred to set up a bot. do i need more or is there something i could do with it
Hello Derek,
You need to prepare USDT for the arbitrage bot.
Hello Dave. What settings and method would you recommend if one were to do XRP instead of ETH?
You can only use USDT for the arbitrage bot. So you need to sell those coins to USDT.
Thank you for the excellent blog and overview of the futures bot. I manage a Crypto Fund which looks to take advantage of various arbitrage opportunities. I am interested in depolying a % of our assets into your Arbitrage bot, but and trying to run some calculations based on historical data.
If we use your example in your overview which shows a 27% return @ 1X and 36% return @ 2X, I am trying to calculate what the estimated return would be if I reinvested all of the 50% of the profits back into the bot if I release profits every 7 days. Can I add funds to the current bot or do I have to start a new one? If I can add to the existing bot, can I have multiple bots running the same pair, i.e.: If I am running ETH/USDT and I am unable to add funds to the existing bot, and want to release profits every 7 days, can I can new bots with the same pairs? Using your example of $3.33 USDT per 8 hour cycle or, $9.99 per day times 7 or $69.93/ week, I will be adding 50% or $34.96 back into the bot which would increase my investment to $10,034.96, then continue to compound weekly. I guess this is a long winded way of asking how difficult it is to add profits to the bot as I will be deploying a lot more than $10,000.
Actually its more profitable and Risk free than others trading options i will give it 100 of
Especially in the bull market the APY would be higher than expected!
Thanks Dave, understand this is “extremely low risk”.
Can you specify what are the risks? You mention data is based on the last 6 months – which is when we have had a bull market and thus more long positions (and higher funding rates to profit on). What would happen in bear / crashing market with a lot of short positions? Please explain the worst case scenario.
Also I prefer to start the bot and not look at it for a few weeks – is that the right strategy or do I have to monitor daily ?
Stick with ETH and the risk should be the lowest.
Here are some risks for the abnormal situations:
1. Binance broker system shut down or delay, which let the bot not able to close the position in time.
2. Price suddenly spike and then fall back, all happen within several seconds. The short position got liquidated and didn’t sell the spot at the same price.
Stay with the big cap coin and you could avoid and minimize the situation above.
If you don’t want to check it for weeks, then I recommend ETH arbitrage bot with 2x leverage. Or you could also try grid trading bot for BTC with a wide price range. Let’s say 10,000 ~ 100,000 for bitcoin grid bot.
Hello Dave,
I wanna ask you about spot futures arbitrage bot.
What will happen to my investment,if binance broker system shutdown like today???Please explain the worst case scenario.
As you said,Price suddenly spike and then fall back, all happen within several seconds. The short position got liquidated and didn’t sell the spot at the same price.
Do I lost all my investment??or Nextrend Exchange will recovers all my lost because of this shutdown system???
Hello Roy,
The worst case, if the coin spike from $10 to $20 in few seconds and then fall back to $10 in another few seconds.
The short position got liquidated but the bot doesn’t have enough time or liquidity to sell all your spot at the same price before go back to $10.
In terms of the 19th May, that day all the coins were dropping. But the arbitrage won’t get liquidated because you’re holding short position not long position on the futures side.
And in the future, if there’s any black-swan incident, you can check Nextrend Exchange arbitrage SAFU fund. There’s no guarantee that you’re risk-free and won’t lose any money with this bot. Nothing risk-free all over the world.
Hi Dave, so if I close the bot, I will get $10,032.4163 based on the example above?
Correct. But the final profit might be slightly different because of the price gap.
There is a writing in article, i want to know more detail
How? While closing bot?
If you take care of the price gap, you might earn some profit from the price gap.
If the price gap is higher than you create the bot, then you’ll have some loss. If the price gap is lower, then you’ll have some profit.
But this is not a big deal if you let the bot last for weeks. It’s not that much compared to your arbitrage profit.
Hi Dave,
How can I monitor the price gap on a bot already running? I can see the gap only when I start a new bot, bot not on a running arbitrage bot.
Why do you want to monitor the price gap?
By clicking the withdraw investment in the advanced setting, you can see the current price gap.
Simply because I would like to follow your advice. “…shut down the bot while the price gap is lower or negative.”.
I will look in the withdraw section. Thanks
Hi dave if would it be good if i use the “withdraw investment” option on spot futures arbitrage and put it on some coin with higher funding rate? And put it back on my original bot after getting the funding rate on other coins? Thanks
Yeah, you can distribute your funds to several coins. But remember to keep most you funds with ETH.
Is this better than a grid bot for someone’s first bot?
Also what is a good starting amount?
Yes, it’s very simple and will produce a steady income. You can start with a small amount, 100-200USDT, but anything over 1000USDT on a big coin like ETH BTC BNB etc will produce a nice daily income that you can reinvest to compound gains.
Grid-bots can be great to produce a higher average return but you cannot compound gains unless you close the bot and collect the profits then restart.
Spot-Futures arbitrage from my experience can be thought of as similar to a long term compound interest savings account.
Check the bot each few days and reinvest the profits. If run concurrently with a grid bot you will have more profits to accumulate and benefit from.
Quick question:
Are the profits that you made with this bot automatically reinvested in the next arbitrage ? Want to take advantage of compounding.
It’s not compounded.
so its better to release the profit and do something with it?
You can release it every week and take it to reinvest into in the bot or buy other coins. It’s up to you
Hi Dave, thanks for the tip, and I waited one week now after starting a spot futures arbitrage bot, but my releasable profit still shows “0”. Can you please explain why?
Funding fee added to your futures account as your margin, so if the price rise (which means spot in profit and futures in loss) then you can’t release the profit. If you want to do that, you can use withdraw investment instead.
But don’t worry, either case won’t affect your “real” profit.
Withdrawing portion of investment or closing the bot sometimes takes ages. I accidentally pressed the confirm button while testing around in withdraw investment section and it took very long time and i can’t seem to cancel it
Can I start Grid trading Bot with $60 of BTC? with this recommendations.
(try grid trading bot for BTC with a wide price range. Let’s say 10,000 ~ 100,000 for bitcoin grid bot.)
Hes referring to the variable for the bot price fluctuation not the investment amount.
The required balance for that bot is higher. I think you could try mBTC/USDT trading pair with 10~100 price range.
Hi Dave,
just a stupid question: the max sum I can lose is what I invested in it, correct?
So if I invested 500$ that could be my max lost, right?
Hello Giacomo,
It’s not likely to lose all of your funds with arbitrage. You hold a spot position and a short position in perp market to hedge the risks.
Do you have any resources/document where we can find the APRs for each coin or do we have to be logged in to Nextrend Exchange in order to do this?
You can check the funding rate history on Binance:
Nextrend Exchange is a Binance broker so the whole futures related features are the same as Binance.
ETH is the most stable one for arbitrage. You can still use small funds to arbitrage with some of the high funding rate’s coin.
What is the minimum investment to start with for arbitrage bot?
couple bucks would work, but I’ll say at least $1000 USDT which you’ll have more feeling from those funding fee profit.
What does the “price gap control” in the advanced settings do?
I see that it’s set to -0.1% by default. Does that mean when price gap hits -0.1%, the bot will shut down automatically and secure the profit?
No, it control the price gap between spot and perp when you create or shut down the bot.
Stay with the default setting first and keep an eye on the price gap. One tip that I can share with you, if the price gap fluctuates between 0.2~0.5% while you create the bot, then set the price gap as 0.45% or 0.5% in this case.
Hope this helps!
Hi Dave,
Can you explain why you give that tip? What if price gap is between 0.1-0.2? What price gap control should I set it at? ETH seems to be fluctuating around that price gap range of 0.1-0.2. Is it still good to arbitrage with ETH?
If you’re creating the bot or adding investment, then make it near 0.2%
Because we want to open the bot at a higher gap and cancel the bot at a lower gap. While it might takes longer to create the bot.
Hi Dave,
Thank you very much for the blog and answering all our questions.
Can you please explain the Advanced Settings Unfold and Fold.
And the best/ideal Price gap control (%) settings to have if we choose to use the settings at 1x, 2x and 3x leverages?
Hello G,
Higher leverage, higher APR for your arbitrage bot. I recommend 2x for ETH.
Price control depends on the current market. One tip that I can share with you, if the price gap fluctuates between 0.2~0.5% while you create the bot, then set the price gap as 0.45% or 0.5% in this case.
Can you explain the pros and cons of changing the price gap control when setting up the bot? What is it and how does it work?
If you’re doing it for long-term, then the affect of the price gap won’t be a big deal. One tip that I can share with you, if the price gap fluctuates between 0.2~0.5% while you create the bot, then set the price gap as 0.45% or 0.5% in this case.
It helps you to create your position at a higher gap, but cause the gap restriction, the time for the bot to finish the position might be longer but don’t worry about that.
Teorically, would it be possible to open a long position in the weekly (or monthly) futures market instead of spot market? What do you think? We,ve got more leverage, but worst spread (that lose would be reduced increasing the position 50% in each monthly and perpetual markets.
It’s more complicated than spot + perp, when using monthly futures instead of spot, the price gap will eat most of your profit.
What is margin? Do you want to add (cover) the margin?
Don’t need to use this feature cause we have an auto-deleveraged algorithm for the arbitrage bot now.
what that algorithm do?
Arbitrage from the spot and futures funding fee.
There’s another article that might explain the arbitrage better:
I want to run arbitrage bot for about 1-2 months.
Do I need to worry about price gap?
Let’s say if I start bot with 0.1% price gap. Does it matter in 1-2 months duration of bot?
You don’t need to worry about the unrealized profit. Make it active for longer period and it’ll be covered by the funding fee really soon.
It’s from the price difference of opening and closing the bot.
What determines the unrealized profit Dave? It keeps rising (in negative value) and offsets most of the arbitrage profit.
So my total profit isn’t as high as I’m expecting even though the funding rates show a 80% APR
Mostly the price gap. If it’s bigger than you create the bot, then it will have unrealized loss. But don’t worry about that, it won’t keep increasing. Keep it for few more days you’ll see what I mean.
Since when I started the arbitrage bot. The Unrealized profit remain negative most of the time.
Do I need to worry about the negative Unrealized profit?
Please explain what is the Unrealized profit and how it effect our earnings in arbitrage bot.
Do the Unrealized profit effect the funding rate profit?
You don’t need to worry about the unrealized profit. Make it active for longer period and it’ll be covered by the funding fee really soon.
It’s from the price difference of opening and closing the bot.
Do we get profit only from funding rate in arbitrage bot?
Or there is some thing also from where we get profit?
I am asking this because Unrealized profit is confusing me. Because if we only get profit from funding rate then what is Unrealized profit?
And why it goes positive / negative?
Does the Unrealized effect our profit?
And should I worry
You don’t need to worry about the unrealized profit. Make it active for longer period and it’ll be covered by the funding fee really soon.
It’s from the price difference of opening and closing the bot.
So can I ignore the price gap (assuming I can cover it with the funding fee) as long as the funding rate is positive? Like open and close the bot based on funding rate and not based on price gap?
Yeah, that’s how I see the price gap and unrealized profit.
Thanks for the great article, Dave. I’ve started using the SF arbitrage bot on Nextrend Exchange few days ago and I’m already liking it. That said, can you explain to me how the “unrealized profit” is calculated for this bot? I noticed that the unrealized profit grows in the negative amount while my profit from arbitrage is positive, leading to (what I think) the “total profit” remaining close to zero.
It’s from the price gap different between closing and opening bot. Let it running for a longer period, those unrealized profit won’t be a big deal then.
If open btc/usdt Spot-Futures Arbitrage, what is the max time after i can close it ? Can it be 2 weeks or 3 months as well ?
ETH/USDT should be better than BTC/USDT.
As long as you want. I even let it active for months.
Hi Dave, please I need more information on how to calculate his
Investment: 143.42 USDT
What is the difference between profit (+0.0081); ROI (0.0279%) and APR is (30.6%).
What is my percentage on investment? I need a formula to calculate it.
obviously the profit is the total profit that you currently have with the arbitrage bot.
ROI = profit/total investment
APR means if the whole year has the same performance as your current bot, then the annualized return would be that amount.
is a bullish position suitable to start trading in this bot ?
The performance will be even better in the bull market, cause lots of people gambling in the futures market.
Any limit for arbitrage?
There’s a 100k USDT personal cap. To increase the cap to 1M you’ll need to have 1M in your account and send an email to for the application.
Dear Dave,
Is it also possible to apply for a personal cap to let’s say 250k of 500k USDT? I thought I ask since there’s quite a large gap between 100k and 1M.. ;-).
Send me an email and I’ll discuss with my team with your case.
Hi, Dave
Can you please explain it on indian markets. What is investment required for it in INR. Is any software which help me trading in Indian market.
Thanks for your reply.
Suman Chandra Nath from Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Turn your crypto into USDT and start the arbitrage bot on Nextrend Exchange. It’s not important which fiat you’re using cause it’s all with crypto.
is it possible to run the bot for spot vs QUARTERLY (dated) futures, or can it only be configured to trade spot vs perpetual futures?
It’s only for spot vs perpetual futures now. But good news is that we’re working on something else
There is something I am not understanding. Where do i find the price gap between futures and index price?
You can see it under the advanced settings.
Nextrend Exchange fee is 0,05% per transaction right? But why does Nextrend Exchange take like 0,13% fee when a 8 hours arbitrage profit of 0,29% is coming free? In such case I should get 0,24% of the profit instead of 0,16% of the profit. Can you please explain?
Yes, transaction fee for spot is 0.05%. We won’t charge transaction fee for that cause you don’t have any transactions for receiving the funding fee every 8 hours. You can ask our support if the details history is not clear for you. Through
Thanks, but advanced setting for what and where?
Where are the advanced settings for the android app?
You should be able to see that at the bottom of the bot create page.
Hi Dave- I have recently started using this strategy manually on FTX Perp Contracts and Futures and on FTX they pay funding every hour instead of 8 hours ( like on Binance and on this BOT) – and profit every hour makes huge difference.
Can this BOT be used on FTX? if not then did you think about using FTX?
We didn’t aggregate the liquidity from FTX, so it’s not possible for using this bot with FTX’s liquidity now.
The reason we choose Binance is that it has the deepest liquidity. FTX still not good enough in terms of the liquidity, but we’ll keep an eye on it.
thank you.
Hey Dave, could I also get a profit/value gain from a rise in the token value? Eg. I run this bot on ETH, and tomorrow ETH reaches its ATH. Will my base investment also rise? Or will I only get profit from arbitrage and price gap?
You won’t profit from the price gain. And won’t be suffer from the price drop, either.
The bot hedge your position with spot and shot on perp market.
Hola, este bot se puede usar en Argentina y es difícil de operar?
Yeah, you can use it in Argentina and it’s easy to use

Sí, puedes usarlo en Argentina y es fácil de usar
Dave, I just wanted to say thanks for the great job you’re doing answering all of these questions. You’ve definitely helped clarify some things the article might not of touched on. Have a wonderful day!
And I am really diggin these bots.
Great to know that! Please enjoy our bot and let me know any suggestions you have in your mind
Hi Davide,
i order to arrange Deal for big amount on funds with this strategy can we deal it i pvt? I tried to contact you on telegram but did not get any reply.
Currently, the personal cap is 100k USDT. If you have 500k or 1M in your Nextrend Exchange account, then you can apply for increase your cap accordingly.
Hi Dave,
Does it make a difference between releasing the arbitrage profit and add it again to spot-futures bot vs keeping all the arbitrage profit always in the spot-futures bot?
Release the profit and reinvest into the bot will compound it. You can do it on a weekly basis.
Hi Dave,
I want to ask you about the Arbitrage SAFU fund and the following cases:
“You’re not able to decrease your position in the spot market while the auto-deleveraged happen to your futures position.
The price surge rapidly and you got liquidated on your short position cause you’re not able to close your futures position in advance.”
I read that the arbitrage safu fund would refund you only up to the profit from arbitrage. Is this the profit of all your bots (including the ones you closed already), or just the bot that couldn’t liquidate?
Not sure what you mean, the arbitrage safu funds will only used to compensate arbitrage.
I have a simple question .. i vs. bots are private software running on your servers? If so, all the money invested is in your hands and we don’t have complete control, right?
For using the bot, you need to deposit funds to your Nextrend Exchange account. Nextrend Exchange is a crypto exchange and the bot runs on our server so you don’t need to rent and maintain the server by your own.
olá, para aumentar o retorno é só aumentar o aporte? o robô corrige pelo valor total do capital?
Yes, with more investment you can expect more return. But the percentage would be the same.
[Google Translate]
Sim, com mais investimento você pode esperar mais retorno. Mas a porcentagem seria a mesma.
I hold some btc, is it possible to use the bot, anchoring on BTC, instead of usdt?
Means, wjenopen, convert some of my btc into usdt, and when close convert usdt and unrealized profit back to btc? So my total btc increased?
For this bot, you can’t use BTC as collateral. But we’ll release new bots for this.
Can we use this Bot to trade the BUSD/USDT arbitrage difference? such as this:
No you can’t. It’s different strategy.
According to this video, this strategy is more for a market maker who has zero or negative trading fee on exchanges. It’s hard for retail investors to do that.
when would be the best time to open a bot?
If you’re doing it for long term, such as weeks or months for the arbitrage bot, then the entrance moment won’t be important. You can create it anytime you like to.
what if price keep goin in steady way up while you hold a short pos.. you can lose a big amount of money and those tiny fund will not help . or may be i am wrong ?
When the price goes up, your spot position will be in profit and hedge the loss from your short position.
Hi when I closed the bot will I received the total profit or the arbitrage profit?
Total profit. But it would be more accurate after it finish closing all your positions.
First of all really nice article, thank you for that.
I have just one quedtion, so this bot is best used for long term investmensts. Is it ok if i leave bot running wven for year or two?
Yeah, it’s for long term. And you can leave it running for months if you use it with ETH or other big cap coins. Just randomly check it when you have time, just make sure that it’s still active. If there’s a big maintenance, then you might need to check the announcement and make sure the bot didn’t get affect by the maintenance.
I opened a test SF Arbitrage last week with ETH and it was around $2430 per ETH but ETH is now $2900+. Is this price gap good for me or a bad one for me?
Also, I hope to run it for one more week. Does this cover for the negative loss I am seeing in the Spot?
The initial price doesn’t matter. The price gap between “spot” and “futures” market matters.
I think you have already got the answer for your second question? Let me know if you still have any questions!
Hi there,
I was wondering if there is any way to reinvest my profit. I see the options to release profit and also to stop the bot but I was wondering if there is a way to reinvest the profits without removing them first. Thank you very much for your help. By the way. Im loving Nextrend Exchange so far! Huge thanks to the creators!
If the price keeps going up, then the deleveraging mechanism helps you to do that. If the price keeps going down, then you need to release profit and release margin and add them back!
Great to know that you like Nextrend Exchange
So I just transfered XRP and USDT to Nextrend Exchange for the Spot-Futures Arbitrage Bot. But apparently, the bot only requires USD. Does it mean I didn’t need to transfer my XRP to Nextrend Exchange ? I guess I could sell some of it for USDT to use it for the Spot-Futures Arbitrage Bot ?
Does it also mean that a portion of the USDT that is used for the bot will be converted to XRP ? That would mean that you have to be careful when you start your bot. If the price is too high, it might not be a good time to start the bot.
Yes, you can only use USDT with this bot.
If you use it with XRP/USDT pair for arbitrage, then it will buy some XRP in the spot market and short the same amount of XRP in the futures market. So it doesn’t matter if the price are low or high, cause it use this technique to hedge the risks.
Thanks Dave !
Right now, about 30% of my 2 Spot-Futures Arbitrage Bots wallet is in USDT and 70% in ADA and XRP. Does the part of the wallet in ADA and XRP will benefit from a rise in price of those crypto-currencies ?
Thanks again !
Dave, when the future price is lower than the index price and the shorts pay the longs the funding payment, do we lose money in that scenario or do we collect that way too from being in a long position? We collect a funding payment both ways?
Let’s say we were in a bearish crypto market. Could we steadily lose money every 8 hours? If we could steadily lose money, could you alter the bot to recognize that situation and automatically shutdown? At least give us that option to choose from?
How do I join the SAFU program?
Yes, during the very bearish market we might see negative funding rate which means short position pay for the funding fee. So if you still have the bot running, then you need to pay for the funding fee every 8 hours.
If the situation remain 2 to 3 times, and still shows negative funding rate, then I’ll choose to shut down that bot and waiting for the market to recover.
When you create the bot, it’ll ask you would you like to join or not.
Hi Dave,
Great tools, very intetesting. I have two questions.
A. With a long btc based portfolio for funding, how would you trade this arbitrage long-term without loosing the 100% long btc hodl opportunity?
B. Do you disclose your actual trading rules or are there any undisclosed parameters considered Nextrend Exchange trade secret, that would preventing a skilled actor from replicating past and future performance of your algorithm(s).
A. If you want to HODL Bitcoin, then you won’t sell them to USDT and use the arbitrage strategy. Some people might not like to invest all their assets into Bitcoin, but want a steady gain with their USDT. Just like saving in some other saving accounts with USDT.
B. You mean the arbitrage bot? It’s very simple and people can use it manually just like I mentioned in this post. The value of this bot is to help traders to control the risks while doing arbitrage. Make the risks control-able and lower the risks by the bot.
Hi Dave,
Why do I only get 50% of the 8 hours funding as arbittage profit instead of 90%? It makes a huge different.
The funding rate varies almost every second, and you’ll get the fee at the time it settled every 8 hours!
Hello Dave,
When I look at my account balance, I have a total Spot profit of 11 $ USD but unrealized Future profit of -43 USD. Does it mean that I’m currently down 32 USD compare to when I started investing and I have to wait some more to get a positive result ?
Does the price of my asset (ETH) affects the spot and future profit ?
Thanks !
Hello Solo,
Don’t need to check your position separately, check the profit & loss status on the bot and details page of that bot!
Price of the asset won’t affect that much.
Hi Dave,
Nextrend Exchange charge 10% of the profit right?
Is that 10% of the arbitrage profit or the total profit?
Secondly when I try to release profit I am unable is this because futures is in neg?
Hello Ollie,
Yes, 10% of your total profit. So if it’s negative, then won’t charge any money.
Secondly when I try to release profit I am unable is this because futures is in neg?
-> Correct. Funding fee distributed right into your account as margin, that’s why it can’t be release when the futures position is negative.
Hi Dave
What do you mean by earning APR?
How do we find out if the futures price is trading below the index price and vice versa?
If this is the case, should i avoid that particular pairs from arbitraging?
And the best practice to start running this arbitrage bot is by having a bull trend, right?
Hello DIN,
APR means the annualized profit you can earn.
How do we find out if the futures price is trading below the index price and vice versa?
You don’t need to check that. Check funding rate directly. I’m just trying to explain the whole background knowledge of everything for the arbitrage bot.
If this is the case, should i avoid that particular pairs from arbitraging?
Avoid BNB and LINK for spot-futures arbitrage bot.
And the best practice to start running this arbitrage bot is by having a bull trend, right?
Yeah, bull market performs the best!
Hello Dave, can i run ETH at x3 leverage for long term? Without having to check it every few months.
I prefer x2 leverage. And maybe check it one or two every week. Just in case if there’s any big movements in the crypto market.
what is best pairs for bot arbitrage? i use now DENT/USDT is good?
I love ETH/USDT. It’s good for long term according to the historical funding rate data.
Hi Dave,
I’m enjoying reading about Nextrend Exchange and look forward to getting involved. I would like to know about the worse case scenario for the Arb bot. I have friends who trade forex and a random flash crash not only lost all of their funds, they actually ended up owing money because the price crashed through the stop loss and more as the trading platform couldn’t get them out of their position (I guess due to the sudden speed of the crash and computer malfunction).
Is that something that could happen on the Arb bot?
Thank you, Adam
Hello Adam,
The market crashed right after you left this comment
As you can see, the arbitrage bot is still working well (if you have an active bot at that moment)
Because our position on futures market is short position, so we won’t need to worry about the market crash.
Hi, I am totally new to this. I started a bot for ETH/USDT and my funding fee is -0.538544. The bot has been running for 2 days now. Is it wise to keep this bot running?
If that happened to my bot, I’ll let it active for 2 or 3 more funding rate period. If the funding rate still stays negative, then I’ll shut down the bot.
Hi Dave,
Do you recommend ETH as the best and safest way to arb? The chances of any flash crash in ETH would be quite small I imagine?
Yeah, ETH is the best on my experience.
If got a Nextrend Exchange account.But don’t know where to start.please help
Check out the tutorials all around here
On behalf of all the people who ask REALLY stupid questions, like “I don’t know what I’m doing, help help help.” I want to just apologize. 95% of the comments here are absolutely great, but you have great patience answering questions from those few who, quite frankly, shouldn’t be investing at all. I read a comment like this and it is no wonder that some people lose money — no matter what they do. #HeavySigh
can you let the same arbitrage bot run for months or even years with out renewing?
Yeah, you can do that. But I’d check it 2~3 times a week.
I want to close my account please.when I first deposit my balance was 73 in USD now it’s -+52 USD
You are free to withdraw your assets to any other exchanges when you like to.
Hi Dave,
I’d like to set up an Arb Bot for ETH/USDT and as I’m reading through the information it says in the top tips “As long as the funding rate stays positive, keep the bot active for at least 1~2 weeks. But you can still shut it down anytime you want.”
Why would I shut it down after 1-2 weeks? Surely I could keep the bot running for months?
Thanks, Adam
I think Adam asks a really good question. I think the answer is that once it goes negative, that is a signal that you are entering a period where you will stagnate on the trade and make little or no profit, so it is a “sign” so to speak to move on to a pair with a positive funding rate. But, I think you are correct that you can ride it out when negative — just don’t expect much in the way of profit toward that APR projection during the negative fund rate period.
Hello Dear Dave
Is there any Limit for leverage number in order to get maximum profit?
What is maximum APR this bot can earn?
Thank you
Hi Dave, Please do you recommend this bot for a newbie like me that doesn’t have much idea on trading or I shouldn’t go near it until I have much experience in trading. Kindly reply
Hi Dave! thanks for tutos. i have actually 80$ in my fliat .So i’ll like to invest it there in Nextrend Exchange but i don’t where to start.Please any suggestion??
Hi Dave!
Thanks for tutos. i have actually 80$ in my fliat .So i’ll like to invest it there in Nextrend Exchange but i don’t where to start.Please any suggestion??
si je passe au manuel, quelles sont les procédures à suivre?
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